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时间:2020年02月27日 信息来源:大连理工大学 点击: 加入收藏 】【 字体:



  1. 请广大外籍教师增强法治意识和增强道德意识,严格遵守当地政府和相关部门的通知、通告要求。学校已经根据教育部通知,做出了延期开学的决定,开学时间请等待学校统一通知。请所有离校外籍教师安排好假期学习生活,请各位研究生导师合理安排研究生的科研任务。

  2. 请广大外籍教师减少出行,对自己、他人和社会负责。目前在连外籍教师原则上不要离开大连,如确有特殊情况需要外出,需向所在单位(包含:学部或者学院)请假;目前在外地(包含国内外)的外籍教师计划回连,应主动向所在单位(包含:学部或者学院)报告,批准后方可出发;同时回连外籍教师应自行居家隔离观察,观察期至少14天,不到办公室、教研室活动,待观察期结束确保无虞后再开展相关活动。

  3. 为及时掌握广大外籍教师的动态,学校将实时统计外籍教师们的假期行程和身体状况,并按要求实施零报告制度上报上级主管部门,请大家严肃对待,认真反馈。

  4. 学校将加强校园管理,严格实施门禁制度,对外来人员、车辆实施登记制度。诚恳希望广大外籍教师近期不要邀请或接受外来人员来访。




A Letter to All the International Faculty and Staff of Dalian University of Technology (DUT) —— Calling for Cooperation and Support of Prevention & Control of the NCP Outbreak

February 10th, 2020

Dear DUT international faculty and staff:

At present, we are at a critical moment to prevent and control the outbreak of theNovel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP). As you are aware, the Central Government has designated the epidemic prevention & control work as a top priority. DUT has held several meetings to implement the appropriate and effective rules and regulations set forth by national and local governments. We have been and continue to take active measures to ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. We are very concerned about the health of our international faculty and staff, and would like to express our great appreciation for your effort and support. However, we should also be aware that in the coming period of time we may soon face even greater stress and challenges. In order to resolutely curb the spread of NCP and to implement full epidemic prevention and control, we put forward the following requirements and request your conscientious cooperation and support.

1. We urge all the international faculty and staff of DUT to help maintain law and order. Please strictly comply with all the rules and regulations issued by the local government and relevant departments. DUT has decided to postpone the beginning of the spring semester according to the notice of the Ministry of Education, so be patient for our official notification for the opening date of the new semester. Before that, it is suggested that you maintain a reasonable balance between work and leisure during the holiday. If you serve as tutors/mentors for graduate students, please assign reasonable research tasks to your graduate students.

2. We strongly recommend that you avoid travel and make an effort to reduce the amount the socializing or other unnecessary activities that require you to go out. This is for the sake of your safety and the safety of your family and society in general. If you are in Dalian right now, do not leave the city without asking for leave from your Faculty or School even if you have the urgent need to leave. If, at the moment, you are in another city in China or outside China and you have plans to return to Dalian, please inform the person in charge at your Faculty or School and get official approval before you start off. Upon returning to Dalian, you will be required to remain at home for a 14-day self-quarantine and self-observation to be sure that you have no fever, coughing or any other similar symptoms of NCP. Do not go onto DUT campus or into your office before the end of the self-quarantine. You must not enter the DUT campus until the end of your 14-day self-quarantine. In the case you are unwell or experience any abnormalities in your current state of health (fever, coughing and other symptoms of NCP), please avoid campus and report your condition to your Faculty or School immediately.

3. DUT has set up a daily reporting system to collect the latest information on all the faculty and staff as well as the students about any travel and on their physical condition in order to monitor the situation and offer reporting to the competent authorities. We request your kind cooperation in providing any necessary information in a timely manner.

4. DUT will be strengthening the campus management and has implemented a strict access control system for people or vehicles from outside. We strongly suggest that you do not invite or receive visitors during this period of time.

Dear colleagues, no matter where you are at this moment, we are particularly concerned about the well-being of you and your family. We also hope that you will continue to make an effort in our joint endeavor to combat and overcome the challenge brought by the NCP since it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent and control the epidemic. We shall remain calm and reassured while following the instructions issued by the government and so. The fabrication or spread of any rumors should be forbidden.

Let us, all faculty and staff of DUT, unite and work together to make our best contribution to complete victory in our battle against the virus.

Best regards,

Dalian University of Technology














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(作者:佚名 编辑:辽宁大学)


